Category: CMS

When to go bespoke

Sep 19, 2015 - Best practice, Business, CMS, Development, Project management - 0 Comments - Standard

When I began developing websites in 1995, there was no WordPress or Magento. CSS didn’t exist, PHP was in its first iteration, ASP was a year away and Javascript was still to be standardised. The practical tools available were HTML …


Aug 18, 2015 - Apps, CMS, Programming, User Experience, Wordpress - 0 Comments - Standard

If I ever produce a series on the most useful plugins Mobble would be high on the list. You can do a lot with CSS media queries, but the ability to poll reliably for the user’s device and add or …

WP Events Manager

May 05, 2015 - CMS, Ecommerce, Plugins, Wordpress - 0 Comments - Standard

Just a quick one to say after trying lots of them by far the best WordPress plugin for Events Management and Booking is WP Events Manager. It’s not quite as technically polished or as well supported as a plugin …

Hunt the template

Mar 01, 2015 - CMS, Development, Ecommerce, Programming - 0 Comments - Standard

There’s a lot of things I like about Magento, and a few things I don’t. Key among the negative aspects is the templating system, which is convention based. There’s nothing wrong with that in principle, but in practice the conventions …


Mar 22, 2014 - CMS, Ecommerce, Programming - 0 Comments - Standard

Just updated the design and styling on the Daro site. This is one of a suite of Magento sites we’ve designed and built at Innermedia, and comes with an external desktop importer built in Visual Studio…