Category: Programming


Nov 19, 2015 - Ajax, API, Clients, Programming, Wordpress - 0 Comments - Standard

Founded in 1879, the Independent Schools Association is one of the oldest of the independent schools’ organisations. A key parts of the site development, built at Innermedia, included a bespoke import mechanism to bring in data from a large …


Nov 13, 2015 - Content, Design, Programming, Wordpress - 0 Comments - Standard

Nice sharp design for the new Qwerk website by Innermedia. The build time was tight here, so we unusually dispensed with a fully responsive option and instead went for a mobile-only alternative layout, driven by the excellent Mobble plugin. …


Aug 18, 2015 - Apps, CMS, Programming, User Experience, Wordpress - 0 Comments - Standard

If I ever produce a series on the most useful plugins Mobble would be high on the list. You can do a lot with CSS media queries, but the ability to poll reliably for the user’s device and add or …

Hunt the template

Mar 01, 2015 - CMS, Development, Ecommerce, Programming - 0 Comments - Standard

There’s a lot of things I like about Magento, and a few things I don’t. Key among the negative aspects is the templating system, which is convention based. There’s nothing wrong with that in principle, but in practice the conventions …

Squaring things off

Sep 22, 2014 - Basics, CSS, HTML, Programming - 0 Comments - Standard

As a developer its not uncommon to receive designs to build that square-off page elements at the bottom.  Where, say, content and sidebar, or a range of columns have been designed to be level at their base. Most frequently these …


Mar 22, 2014 - CMS, Ecommerce, Programming - 0 Comments - Standard

Just updated the design and styling on the Daro site. This is one of a suite of Magento sites we’ve designed and built at Innermedia, and comes with an external desktop importer built in Visual Studio…